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Free Tarot Talk March 4th at BPL

By Updates

My first public talk ever will be at the Boulder Public Library on Thursday, March 4th. I’m very proud and hope it will be enjoyable to everyone, from experienced ‘taroists’ to those just passing through!

The talk will start with a brief introduction of how I approach learning and teaching tarot, how I believe it supports confidence and awareness. Then I’ll move onto some quick example readings, for members of the audience if anybody is interested. After that I will look at a few questions with specific tarot cards I think may be especially helpful to a younger audience. A couple questions I hope to examine are:

  • Three of Swords: How can a person better manage heartbreak?
  • Seven of Swords: Why do people gossip, and how can one deal with it?

Finally I will end with some questions and (maybe) answers. Dialog is welcome and encouraged throughout, and I look forward to maybe seeing you there!