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Lionel Tarot Update

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My tarot talk at the Boulder Public Library on the 4th was a fun success! Seventeen people in a room talking about Tarot, what could be better for a Tarot geek like me?

We began by each drawing a card, and I explained briefly each and every one. Then, I focused on the Seven of Swords. Rather than simply explain the meaning, I explored the correspondences as a creative way to help uncover meaning of an often cited ‘difficult’ card.  Some attempts were made to record the event, though whether they were successful I still don’t know. Once I recieve video or audio of the talk I’ll post that.

The Wisdom Game talks will hopefully continue, though for the moment there is not next talk planned. The next one will likely occur at the end of May, partly to draw attention to a full Tarot course for beginner and intermediate learners beginning in June.

The course will be a once a week class over several months, and will teach each card along with reading techniques and access to an apprentice-reader certification exam from the American Tarot Association. If you are personally interested in the course and will be around Boulder, Colorado this summer, please feel free to contact me for more information.

I hope to see you there!